
Please note: These are starting prices.
Prices are subject to differ due to sales price and location.
Additional trip charges may apply due to current gas prices.
0-2,000 sq ft - $400
2,001-2,500 sq ft - $425
2,501-3,000 sq ft - $450
3,001-3,500 sq ft - $475
3,501-4,000 sq ft - $500
4,001-4,500 sq ft - $525
4,501-5,000 sq ft - $550
5,001-5,500 sq ft - $575
5,501-6,000 sq ft - $600
6,001-6,500 sq ft - $650
6,501-7,000 sq ft - $700
7,001-7,500 sq ft - $750
7,501-8,000 sq ft - $800
8,001-9,000 sq ft - $900
9,001-10,000 sq ft - $1,000
Starting at $350
Ancillary Inspections:
Radon Test $170
Well $135 BTC (Bill To Closing) Discounted (pay prior to closing) $95
Water (bacteria only) $135 BTC Discounted $130
FHA (lead & Nitrite/Nitrate) $240 BTC Discounted $200
Septic $135 BTC Discounted $95
Termite $75 BTC Discounted $50
Rush Services for FHA water an additional $100 for 5 day rush and an additional $200 for 3 day rush (it generally takes 10 to 14 days for results)
Well Shock $100
Well Shock & Flush $400