Your Attic Inspection
An attic inspection is a vital part of your home inspection package:
Problems in the attic may not stay there, and may filter down and affect the health and safety of the rest of the home. This area is defined as the space between the top room's ceilings and the roof. As it may seem like simply an empty area, it can be neglected which can in turn lead to problems. The condition of the attic can also tell an inspector a lot about the state of the home and give evidence of issues that may need to be addressed.
What does an attic inspection consist of?
Your home inspector will conduct and inspection of your attic by taking a close look at the systems and features beneath the roof, including the insulation, possible leaks, ventilation, and structural integrity. The purpose is to identify potential or hidden problems. Attic inspections can help a homeowner combat issues such as a high energy costs, mold, moisture and bad air quality. Additionally, the inspection can help highlight things about the dwelling's history such as black or fire damaged wood can provide clues that there may have been a fire in the home, evidence of termites or other wood destroying insects may be found, etc. The attic inspection can give lots of valuable information about the whether the home has good ventilation, and its heating and cooling ability.
Any time you are purchasing or selling a home it is a very good idea to have the attic inspected professionally, as inspectors have a trained eye and which pick up on subtle clues that may be meaningless to the layperson. We invite you to accompany us on your attic inspection so you can see what issues we are identifying and have a better understanding of the process.